The youth-organized event brought together over 500 diverse youth from over 50 high schools across NYC to learn about and take action on children’s rights.
The event included several exciting guest speakers including actress and activist Rosario Dawson and over 30 workshops developed and facilitated by participating students around topics such as Access to Education, Child Abuse and Neglect, Child Labor, Child Soldiers, Human Trafficking, Impact of War on Children, Juvenile Justice, Sexual Exploitation of Children, Standard of Living, and more.
At the event, participating youth also presented a petition urging Congress to ratify the UN Convetion on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC).

Congratulations to Jessy Jo for continuing to display such strong leadership skills. You demonstrate that there’s no need to wait until you’re older to start making important social changes!
For more information on Global Kids (a nonprofit organization in New York City dedicated to educating students in underserved communities about international affairs and civic engagement) and the day’s activities, visit their website here.
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